發佈于:7/12/2024 12:12:08 PM
Project Administrator     ( 過期職位 )
城市:中國澳門 | 經驗:3年 | 學歷:本科


l  Assistant The Project Manager To Take Care The Administration Of The Project.

l  Take Lead To The Submission Of Deliverable.

I.EDrawingMaterialMethod Statement   Test & Survey Record.

l  Coordinate With The Client For The Document.

HandlingLabour RegistrationSafety Training Registrar.

l  Coordinate With The Subcontractor For The Labour Registration.

l  Macau ID holder


l  Fluent :

1.        English

2.        Cantonese

3.        Word

4.        Power Point

5.        Excel

Work Hours & Holidays

l  Monday To Friday : 09:00 – 18:00

Saturday : 09:00-13:00

l  12 days paid Annual Leave per year

l  12 days paid Sick Leave per year

l  17-20 days Public Holiday per year


To Apply:

Please submit your detailed resume to below email:



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