Damiani Macau Ltd.
Damiani Macau Ltd.簡介
Damiani was set up in 1924, established by Enrico Grassi Damiani, the founder of the family, in Valenza, in the heart of the most important Italian goldsmith area in the world. As a result of his ability as a master goldsmith, Enrico soon became the jeweller contacted by the leading families of the time for the creation of unique pieces, true masterpieces of fine craftsmanship. The princes and princesses of the Royal House of Italy also used Damiani for the most exclusive creations.
Creativity, excellence and entrepreneurship are the key values that have always guided the Damiani family, united by a deep passion for an art handed down from father to son and which distinguishes the work of the third generation, now at the helm of the company. The family is a guarantee of experience and tradition in the manual processing of jewels, a stylistic feature that has unchanged over the years. Each creation enfolds the history that preceded it and is the result of careful research and development, great attention to detail, the very high quality of the raw materials and the precision of the craftsmanship. Even, today, all the jewellery is still made, each by hand, in Italy and features an exclusive modern design and innovative aesthetic taste that makes every piece unique and unmistakable.

玳美雅 DAMIANI - 三代義大利人 ‧一種激情
瓦倫薩Valenza,最好的義大利珠寶傳統之鄉:這也是高端義大利珠寶領導品牌傳奇開始的地方。1924年,這個珠寶世家的創始人Enrico Grassi Damiani開始採用鑽石設計和製作珠寶飾品;精巧的傑作被送往當時的貴族家庭,因此不久之後他便在業界取得了良好的聲譽。從此之後,玳美雅Damiani一直以其對古典、平衡和考究的高品質演繹而受到義大利珠寶界的讚譽。
Enrico的兒子,Damiano Damiani在偉大的創造力和強烈的創業精神的驅動下,繼續發展著家族傳統,他為旗下的珠寶產品確定了延續至今的鮮明風格,在新技術的研發上大量投入。玳美雅Damiani依舊保持著自己家族企業的基因,忠於傳統,家族第三代領導者同樣以滿腔的熱情、創造力和承諾沿襲著先輩之路,擴大發展進程,多年來在世界上最為著名地方開設國際子公司和專賣店,將一個家族企業轉變成集團公司。這是個地地道道的義大利公司並且依舊保持著獨立性和自己的哲學,專注於"義大利風格"和珠寶製作傳統。

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